Kristen Phillips Photography

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What does love mean to you. I recently asked this question on the book of faces and received some good input. Some expected answers for sure.  It was nice to open the feed to some positive news. I was welcomed by the unconditional love that dogs have. My Frankie taught me heaps about love.  If you have owned a dog you will understand what this means. And think about it for a minute. Close your eyes and imagine if we greeted our loved ones with the similar gusto as our 4 legged fur friends do? Wouldn't that feel amazing. Giving with that kind of love? It would be so contagious!! 

So unconditional love you say, eh. Have you had love for someone that is unconditional? Without expectations? Have you felt this kind of love for yourself? I recently struggled with this concept. How to not get wrapped up in yourself and to put someone else first. Fully! When you know they don't know how to offer it back. To just be present and in the moment of them. With them however they need it. And how to take care of yourself in the process. 

A dear friend, lets be real she's my soul sister Cora! Over the years she has shared her true love and gratitude for all. All human folk, 4 legged, decedents from Mother Earth, Sky, Moon etc. She posted on the book of faces something that stuck with me and inspired me to write this blog. 

"I cannot love you into loving yourself. I tried that again and again And it never works.

I cannot fill the cracks inside of you with my light. It's up to you to know you have always been Whole.

It's your responsibility to fall in Love with You. And mine to fall in love with me.  And the overflow of the energy...Now THAT is when we don't just fall in love, but we Rise in Love."  Cora Page

That one post was so perfect. I could hold a mirror up to myself and feel that I have similar needs to acknowledge. 

Love is connected to the heart chakra and the color green. Anahata or heart chakra is the fourth primary chakra, in Sanskrit, anahata means "unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten".  Anahata is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity. 

I know when I am energetically outta whack. Others would see it as defensive, aggressive, short, snarky. Oh wait that sound like me once a month for about three days. But seriously. Taking care of ourselves is not easy to do. Just time for our own processing. There are quite a few people who are not even aware that this self care is needed. They are ok with life as it is. And thats ok too. I can only imagine what the world would look like if we are were energetically aware.  Connected on a soul level. Maybe its my aging but I feel people are opening up every day to the possibility of another level of our selves. Our soul self living this human experience. 

This blog was intended to be inspirational to stop and make you think as well as a good way to post my recent photography project. It was a Valentine's Day theme. Started off with one thing in mind the cheesecake squares with raspberries and it morphed into something more. Exercising my baking skills this was a good test run for sure! I never made the raspberry compote and instead am enjoying the fresh berries for breakfast and snacks. I am addicted to creating. Love cooking and look forward to working more consistently in a studio space!

My final inspiration comes from practicing love with out expectations. Try it. Try smiling at everyone. Without the expectation that they will smile back or judge you. Giggle. One day recently it was even difficult to force myself to smile. I knew it would trigger my brain to snap out of my funk. It took a few half smiles....but sure enough they came thru. 

Chopra's website had a lovely post about love. Very simply put it has to be an exchange of love. Look at it as a currency if you will. Its not only receiving it but giving it without expectation. 

"The best way to receive love is to give it. Author and motivational speaker, Leo Buscaglia, used to teach that we should give and receive 12 hugs a day for optimal health. So give hugs and kisses. Other ways you can give love:

  • Smile at everyone you see daily, even if you don’t feel like smiling. It’s contagious.

  • Forgive and move on. Life is too short to hold grudges.

  • Give friends, family and co-workers positive affirmations and feedback.

  • Try to go one day a week without criticizing anyone or anything, including yourself."

 The final bullet that I am going to work on is not to criticize others but mainly myself! I am generally hard on myself to always try harder and do more. Well today I am perfect just the way I am. 

I hope you enjoy the photos! Please follow me on Instagram and the book of faces. Share my name if you know a small business that could use some good photography to help build their business! I love to be a part of the process when small business' grow!  



“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” 

― Thich Nhat Hanh